Note: I have only tried this on Linux, but it should also work for OSX.
First of all, if you don't already; I recommend using PlayOnLinux (Or PlayOnMac for OSX users).
You can install multiple wine versions and create multiple wineprefixes.
My Specs:
Arch Linux x64
Xfce4 Xmonad (probably not relevant)
Radeon HD 5850 && Free software drivers
Wine: 1.3.37 (32bit)
Install wine 1.3.37 in PlayOnLinux/Mac.
Create a new Virtual Drive and select 32bit. If you choose 64bit it won't work.
Then install FFXI with expansions on the created Virtual Drive. If the install doesn't work try using the latest wine version for installation.
Once FFXI is installed, using PlayOnLinux/Mac install the following windows packages:
(PlayOnLinux might not have every package displayed here but you can just ignore those)
(In PlayOnLinux/Mac, press Configure, select the virtual drive you created, then press the "Install components" tab)
Code: Select all
d3dx10 d3dx11_42 d3dx_11_43 d3dx9 d3dx9_26 d3dx9_28 d3dx9_31 d3dx9_35 d3dx9_36 d3dx9_39 d3dx9_42 d3dx9_43 d3dxof devenum dinput8 dirac directmusic directplay directx9 dmsynth dotnet20 ffdshow gdiplus icodecs l3codecx mfc42 quartz vcrun2005 vcrun2008 vcrun2010 vcrun6 vcrun6sp6 xact xact_jun2010 xinput xvid
These setting might have to be different for you depending on your hardware.
GLSL Support: Enabled
Direct Draw Rrenderer: openGL
Next, patch your FFXI client by following the instructions here.
Use the FFXI-Boot client.
(Your wine installation is located at $HOME/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/[yourVirtualDriveName]/)
$HOME being your home directory.
Once you've patched and updated everything, go back to the configure screen and change the wine version to 1.3.37 if you haven't already.
You can also make a new shortcut for ffxi-boot.exe by pressing "Make a new shortcut from this virtual drive"
Once you've done all of that you should be able to get to the creation / select screen without problems. However when you try to select your character your screen will go black and the "Loading data" on the bottom right never shows up.
Download this patch:
NOTE: if you're on mac, you CAN NOT use this patch, instead you have to compile it yourself >>> link <<<
Move this file to $HOME/.PlayOnLinux/wine/linux-x86/1.3.37/lib/wine/
A file with the same name should be there already, replace it.
Once you've done this, the black screen should not occur anymore.
A few extra notes:
The game runs perfectly, so far haven't had any problems and it feels like I'm playing natively. Only problem is when I log off it crashes and I have to manually kill the process. I don't know how to fix it but in my opinion it's such a minor bug that I don't feel like spending time on it.
If your private server uses a namespace such as "", DON'T use that in FFXI-Boot. Instead find out what the actual IP is by pinging it. e.g. open a terminal and type: ping
If you don't do this you won't be able to query the server for things such as /sea all or access the auction house.
Ashita simply doesn't work /sadface. It has the same issue as Windower. Basically it reads memory of the running process to modify / read what's happening. We simply can't do this because wine is it's own process and it doesn't separate FFXI from Wine.
Lastly I recommend putting FFXI to fullscreen, set your resolution and in the misc tab enable hardware cursor.
Then go back to the Virtual Drive config, go to Wine tab, en press "Configure Wine". Go to graphics tab, mark Emulate a virtual Desktop, and then in Desktop size set your resolution. This way you're playing FFXI fullscreen but emulating it in windowed mode.
Finally, enjoy the game! If you have any questions feel free to ask them here.
Playing on a private server: