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Multiple connections via wireless lan / public ip

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 2:06 am
by Juggalo
Figured this out through much trial and error. Wanted to share for anyone that may have similar issues as this hopefully should help out. My server runs on the same computer as my client does. I had no issues getting the server setup so I could play just by myself. I wanted to make it so others could connect so I followed the steps neccessary from the Building the Server guide. After I got the zone_settings table updated with my external ip address and forwarded all the ports for the server as the guide said, I was unable to connect from my client still running on the same computer as the server is. Currently using Ashita to connect to the client, I had to change the command line in the boot configuration from --server to --server localhost --hairpin. After saving and launching the client again, I was able to connect with no problems. Now my wife plays ffxi as well so I wanted to see if I could get her laptop to connect to the server. Here's where the craziness begins. My computer is setup to connect to the internet off a wireless adapter. So getting her laptop to connect, as she's connected to the internet off the wifi as well, I had to use --server 192.168.XX.XXX --hairpin. That ip address being the one the router assigned to my computer. After all was said and done, she's now able to connect as well. Also had someone test the external ip address to see if he could connect from a computer that's outside of our home network, and he was also able to connect.

I know this may seem like a long read, but if it can help anyone else that may have run into this issue, then it was time well spent. Ya'll have a good night. It's like 1AM and I need some sleep lol.