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Re: Mission Bugs (Various Missions) with, Details

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 12:14 am
by Rastacles
I found a way to fix some of these issues. I had a problem with Sandy 2-3 and when I went to talk to Halver he would mention something along the lines of "How are things going in the other nations?" But I would not get the cs of him giving me the letter to the consuls. I attempted to change values in char_vars however no MissionStatus was present. So i figured it was possible no mission status being present may have been what was causing the problem.

If you are not a GM maybe direct a GM friend to do this as this is what worked for me. In the lua file for Halver found in scripts/zones/Chateau_dOraguille/npcs/Halver.lua you will find the following lines...

if(currentMission == JOURNEY_ABROAD and MissionStatus == 1) then
elseif(currentMission == JOURNEY_ABROAD and MissionStatus == 11) then
elseif(currentMission == JOURNEY_ABROAD) then

I thought "What if no mission were being shown? Would the game go to the last "elseif" line? So i temporarily altered the file to this:

if(currentMission == JOURNEY_ABROAD) then
elseif(currentMission == JOURNEY_ABROAD and MissionStatus == 11) then
elseif(currentMission == JOURNEY_ABROAD) then

This made the game trigger that dialogue (Event(0x01f9) regardless of the mission status as long as Journey Abroad was active. And it worked. Halver talked to me and gave me the letter ot he consuls and when I went to Bastok the mission continued properly with other npcs. I'm a happy camper as I've been trying to fix this since last night.

To be on the safe side though, I put the lines back to what they were in the first place AFTER I talked to Halver.

I hope this helps anyone on this step or having any similiar problems.

Re: Mission Bugs (Various Missions) with, Details

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 1:46 am
by Delaide
Rastacles wrote:if(currentMission == JOURNEY_ABROAD) then
elseif(currentMission == JOURNEY_ABROAD and MissionStatus == 11) then
elseif(currentMission == JOURNEY_ABROAD) then
Wouldn't this be saying basically, If your journey abroad status is positive but mission status isn't 11, then do both cutscene 0x01f9 and 0x0214?
Basically, both lines are exactly the same.
So, it should look more like:

Code: Select all

if(currentMission == JOURNEY_ABROAD) then
		elseif(currentMission == JOURNEY_ABROAD and MissionStatus == 11) then
This is what you are doing. So, maybe the problem is which cs is triggered?

Re: Mission Bugs (Various Missions) with, Details

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 11:21 pm
by Desufire
Rastacles wrote:I found a way to fix some of these issues. I had a problem with Sandy 2-3 and when I went to talk to Halver he would mention something along the lines of "How are things going in the other nations?" But I would not get the cs of him giving me the letter to the consuls.

if(currentMission == JOURNEY_ABROAD and MissionStatus == 1) then
elseif(currentMission == JOURNEY_ABROAD and MissionStatus == 11) then
elseif(currentMission == JOURNEY_ABROAD) then
What you pasted is the recently corrected script I believe. We had the issue of Halver not progressing the 2-3 mission for Sandy players. When looking in the script, wee saw it stated:

Code: Select all

if(currentMission == JOURNEY_ABROAD and MissionStatus == 0) then
After doing a gitpull yesterday, this was corrected to what you posted and Halver worked fine for our Sandy players. So I don't know what is going wrong with your server, but that script is correct.