/ja recast after zoning

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/ja recast after zoning

Post by yorran » Sun Apr 24, 2016 7:04 am

Hi guys, and thanks in advance for taking the time to read this post.

I'm reporting this in the Bugs sections although I'm not sure if it's my bad compiling or anything, so here's the thing :
whenever I'm zoning, the last abilities I used get a recast of 15 hours. I tried Boost, Drain Samba and Divine Seal and it's just all the same.
Spells don't seem to be affected, only job abilities as far as I can tell. And it does require zoning to make that bug happen.

The server is running on a fresh Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.2.0-27-generic i686), I followed the instructions on the Building the server dsp wiki (including gcc 5 rep), and tried many tests before writing this post (which basicly came down to redoing everything from scratch a few times). Still, I get the same result and it doesn't look like I can sort this out by myself.

On the top of that, I'm running a temp dsp server on a windows 10 pc (sources for both servers were downloaded recently, about 1 week apart), and using the same game client on a third machine, that bug doesn't appear when connecting to the windows dsp server.
I'd really love any insight / advice if anyone has a hint on that one, just ask if you need any log that I can provide.

I forgot to mention that I had to update Makefile.am line 2: AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS=foreign subdir-objects. I did this because autogen.sh was complaining about sub-folders. Other that that, I strictly followed the procedure provided on the wiki page.

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Re: /ja recast after zoning

Post by kjLotus » Sun Apr 24, 2016 12:30 pm

i'll try and find some time this week to update my ubuntu server and see what's going on

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Re: /ja recast after zoning

Post by Vils » Fri May 20, 2016 3:35 am

I am wondering if this was ever resolved. I just set up a server fresh on a Linux Devuan server and am having the same issue. I noticed it at first when I was on my thf and used sneak attack. Then if I zoned the recast would be 15 hours. The only way I could temporarily fix it is to log into my GM character and do a @reset. I am currently just testing out my server before inviting friends to it, and this bug will make it a headache needing to @reset every player every time they zone.

Edit: Please let me know if there are any logs that might be helpful to investigate this issue. Thanks in advance.

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Re: /ja recast after zoning

Post by kjLotus » Fri May 20, 2016 6:31 pm

i didn't find time that week and then forgot about it - i'm out of town this week so maybe when I get back

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Re: /ja recast after zoning

Post by Vils » Sat May 21, 2016 1:47 am

Awesome, thanks. I am not sure if this helps at all, but I was checking my terminal and when I zone I get a message that says:
[Debug] parse: SmallPacket is not implemented Type<112>

I am not sure if that is the problem or not, but thought I should mention it.

I also had to change my server version.info from 30160429_1 to 30160329_1 to match the current FFXI version.

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Re: /ja recast after zoning

Post by Vils » Sun May 22, 2016 3:03 pm

I wanted to test and see if this was just an issue with Linux, so I installed windows 10 on my server PC and ran the server from Windows. I was not seeing any issues with job ability recast times after zoning on a windows based server. For now, I will probably just continue using Windows to run my server.

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Re: /ja recast after zoning

Post by hobbes2120 » Fri May 27, 2016 5:30 pm

having same issues, thought fresh server pull would fix it, but it doesn't, still there. Have had it happen on summoner, beastmaster, and red mage. Re-logging doesn't cure it. Only temporary fix is to use @reset but it will still come back when zoning. also running on linux, xunbutu version 14.

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Re: /ja recast after zoning

Post by seffy » Sun Jun 05, 2016 9:09 am

Can also confirm that this bug is occuring.

It happened to me and my partners characters on our LAN server, funnily enough, I think it might have something to do with the multipliers set in the map_darkstar.conf.

There's something funny about the numbers people are posting for these cooldowns.
Ours were six, but some people here have 15 hour timers.

*shrug* I'm no coder though so I dunno.

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Re: /ja recast after zoning

Post by yorran » Tue Jun 07, 2016 12:08 am

Thanks for your replies. I didn't find a pattern on those recasts, numbers look random to me... sometimes 5 hours, sometimes 15. All I know is that the bug adds up if you zone back and forth.
And indeed @recast saves the day as a solo player but I wouldn't like to grant gm status to everyone I'm inviting.
I'm still trying to find what causes this bug, but this is so complex that I doubt my mind will go around that one hehe.

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Re: /ja recast after zoning

Post by maxtherabbit » Tue Jun 07, 2016 8:15 pm

I pushed a core commit that changes the way recast times are saved, could you guys please try a fresh pull and see if it fixes this problem?

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