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Bugbear Matman NM - Newton Movalpolos

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 4:08 pm
by Kyonko
Trade an Air tank to Moblin Shownman (I-9) to spawn Bugbear Matman. Rutter sabatons have only 45% drop rate so bring a thf with you or farm more air tanks.

Re: Bugbear Matman NM - Newton Movalpolos

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 5:19 pm
by kjLotus
couple things: matman's spawn point seems to be in the wrong spot, he spawned in the air and then came at me
so you can update his coordinate in mob_spawn_points

also, showman should despawn for 15 minutes, you can use entity:hideNPC(900)

aaand he has some dialogues, you can use player:showText(npc, textid) for that
textid you'll have to look up in pol utils, though... dialog tables -> english -> cop -> movalpolos -> newton movalpolos, his 3 are right at the end
blue will want you to alias them in newton_movalpolos' TextIDs, though. then you just call it with showText(npc, SHOWMAN_ACCEPT) or whatever you decide to call them

Re: Bugbear Matman NM - Newton Movalpolos

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 4:03 am
by Kyonko
added all 3 dialogues and despawn for 15 mins, the NM spawn position looks right from coordinates (they were already in mob_spawn file), it spawns under the lantern looking SE from moblin position.

Re: Bugbear Matman NM - Newton Movalpolos

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 1:14 pm
by kjLotus