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NPC "Domenic"

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 6:58 am
by radical dreamer
Heyo someone was saying something about a missing NPC named Domenic near the entrance to the Tenshodo, so I found 'im.

in the npc_list table, in zone 245:

npcid: 17780967
name: Domenic
pos_x: 32.760
pos_y: -0.100
pos_z: -15.105

It currently does not exist in the table and I have not yet figured out how to insert a new row so if someone wants to put him in-game, there he is. ;)

*Edit* I was told that I needed to get his skin values so I have those now too. :-)
Domenic is either 0x0100040000100420043011401150006000700000

The reason I have two right now is because Faursel is listed as
but in-game I see him as 0x01000A007D100920183018401850006000700000

I don't know if that change from 00 in-game to 03 on npc_list.sql is of any significance, but if it is then I've got my bases covered. ;-)

Re: NPC "Domenic"

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 3:15 pm
by PrBlahBlahtson
It currently does not exist in the table and I have not yet figured out how to insert a new row so if someone wants to put him in-game, there he is.
Time to learn, then :)

When you open npc_list.sql, there's "create table" with a bunch of information after it. Those are the fields on the table, in order.

So, you just need a Navicat query that has the following:
INSERT INTO `npc_list` VALUES ('17780967', 'Domenic', '0', '32.760', '-0.1', '-15.105', '1', '40', '40', '0', '0', '1', '0', '25', 0x0100040000100420043011401150006000700000, '32', '245');
Bolded data may need corrections. In order, it's:
pos_rot -- The direction the NPC faces
flags -- Not sure what this does ^^; If something's wrong, tinker until it's not.
name_vis -- I assumed Domenic is an idle, standing NPC.

Keep in mind that NPC data is loaded when the server starts, so you'll have to restart for your new NPC to appear, and you'll have to script them before they do anything.

If you want to change something once the code has been added, then you can use something like this:

Code: Select all

UPDATE `npc_list` SET pos_rot='25', namevis='0' WHERE npcid = '17780967';
Just change the fields it updates accordingly.

As far as your 03/00, that's more than likely the NPC's race. 03 would be an Elvaan, while 00 would be a Hume Male. If you need a quick cheat sheet, see /scripts/globals/player.lua :)

Re: NPC "Domenic"

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 3:39 pm
by bluekirby0
Changed your second "code" block to a "quote" so the bold tags would work correctly. Hope you don't mind :)