Does Tetra Master have any chance to get a private server?

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Does Tetra Master have any chance to get a private server?

Post by namine207 » Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:59 am


I've been following Darkstar for a while, and I've really been enjoying being able to play FFXI. I was thinking about this for a bit and I figured I should ask even though I've never played Tetra Master/have no idea if it's good or not. Is there any possibility that someday we'll see a private server for Tetra Master as well? It seems pretty neat.

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Re: Does Tetra Master have any chance to get a private serve

Post by atom0s » Tue Oct 14, 2014 12:08 pm

It is not at all something we have planned. Along with that, the real TetraMaster is shutdown and we have no packet logs / data for the game to begin emulating it.

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Re: Does Tetra Master have any chance to get a private serve

Post by namine207 » Tue Oct 14, 2014 12:43 pm

Ahh, that makes sense. It's a shame that nobody packet captured it before it went down for good! Although I'm seeing that there are some web alternatives that seem cool so that least the game isn't completely dead. :)

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